Bahá’í Temple, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 318

This week Awesome Stories brings you compassionate teaching, passionate service, inspired architecture, and inspired writing. Hugging Porcupines We have a brief opportunity to do the one thing – the RIGHT thing – to change the course of their life in a positive way. ~ Rob Miller Rob Miller, a teacher in Oklahoma wrote this touching…

beautiful architecture, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 215

This week Awesome Stories brings you portals in space, living in a van, radical utility reform, natural pesticides and beautiful buildings. Sci-Fi Meets Science Scientists have discovered hidden portals in the earth’s magnetic fields. NASA calls them X-points or electron diffusion regions. Working almost like the wormholes of science fiction, these portals are places where…

sustainability, inspiration

Good News 1.06

This is a touching story about a young girl’s brave and compassionate act to help a friend. She demonstrates the beauty of kindness in action. Be prepared for tears. To learn more about what she did and why, read the Help Other’s blog on noble action. Architects are getting creative about designing new buildings that do…