Awesome Stories 380

This week Awesome Stories celebrates 4000 subscribers to my blog.puffy clouds, blog stats

Hurray for 4016 subscribers!

Truthfully, I don’t spend much time or energy worrying about my blog stats. I do want to take this opportunity to mention how grateful I am that my blog continues to grow and reach more people. Ever since starting the blog, one of my primary focuses has been to connect with and inspire people to live better lives. I’d like to think that is part of why people subscribe to my blog. If you want more insight on why I blog, please visit my about page.

Regardless of why you signed up, I’m grateful for each of you who subscribe, read, like, and comment on my blog. I do pay attention to the likes and the comments. Interestingly, the likes are flat, even dropping somewhat over the last 12-18 months, while my subscribers have climbed steadily from 2000 to 4000 people.

It seems as though many people subscribe yet never like or comment. I’m not sure why. When I don’t like the posts on a blog, I stop following them. My time is precious, and I prefer reading posts that inspire, educate, or occasionally entertain me. When I first started my blog, I was obsessed with how many visits, likes, subscribers, etc. The good part of being new was that I could appreciate, visit, like, and interact with virtually every person who came to my blog. Now, I know only a small group of fellow bloggers who have become online friends via our blog interaction.

I’m very grateful for this dedicated group who takes the time to read, care, and connect. The interaction is what keeps me motivated to continue blogging. I seem to be the rare blogger that never aspired to be a writer, and doesn’t aim to write a book. Although, I must admit to some interest in the idea of writing a book, either a mystery, which is my favorite genre for reading, or a photo book that combines my photos and poems into a multimedia treat for inspiring and connecting.

Thank you again for being part of my blog and journey. May they serve you and your journey. 

Blessings, Brad

41 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 380

  1. Congratulations, Brad! Your blog definitely serves my journey, and I am sure many others’ journey as well. I am too busy to go to my Reader regularly, but I have bookmarked your blog and come to visit whenever I have time for my self. Over the years, I have gathered so much inspiration and food for thought from here. Thank you friend 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats! What a difference you’re making!! And writing a book…I used to aspire to writing visionary fiction and every time I sat down to write that…I’d stare at the screen until something else captured my attention. Hehe. Maybe someday. For now…teaching. lol.
    I’m grateful for your awesome blog! Keep up the awesome work!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Congratulations Brad, I always enjoy reading your words. I share your desire to make a photo book. Maybe one day we’ll both do it. In the meantime take care and keep sharing those beautiful ordinary moments. That’s what life’s all about.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wish you all the continued joy in this space! I agree with you that I stick around here because I enjoy the most authentic interactions and connections! I too have never looked at my stats – it just feels like giving more time and energy to something I don’t actively put effort in. I only feel gratitude for those who keep visiting. I have no ambition for a book but would love if the Universe conspires to bring it through me. So I am very happy for your milestone celebration and have enjoyed your positive work,

    Liked by 2 people

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