Awesome Stories 253- Christmas edition

This week Awesome Stories brings you Christmas stories of family fun, peace, giving and friendship from around the world.

Heart-Warming Christmas StoriesChristmas memories

Here is a touching collection of stories from BuzzFeed. They remind me of the power of giving and how much little gestures can mean to someone. One of my best memories is caroling at a nursing home and seeing the expressions of joy from the residents. What is your favorite holiday memory? Or maybe it’s time to make a new best memory. I am very grateful for my health, comfortable home, friends and family that love me. Happy Holidays!

Family Fun

Let’s get the holidays started with some family fun. This family group of 10 have been posting for 4 years in order to bring some Christmas cheer to all and they are rockin’ some serious dance talent!

The White Envelope Project

This story reflects what I consider the true meaning of Christmas; giving to others. I love how the wife changed the way the whole family viewed gifts with a simple white envelope. And the story inspired the creation of The White Envelope Project, dedicated to teaching children the importance of giving. Read the story to the end and have tissues handy. May we remember that giving is often more joyful than receiving. What brings meaning to your Christmas?

The Christmas Truce

I had never heard this story before. During the early part of World War I, soldiers on both sides of the war spontaneously called a truce, talked, sang and embraced each other as family. The Christmas Truce lasted a couple of days before the leaders brought the soldiers back to the “business” of war. If you are inspired, you can find more information at the bottom of the page and please consider sharing this story. May more people be shown that beyond the lines drawn by leaders, ideology and conflict, we truly are family. I pray and act for a world of peace.

Holidays Around the World

I like this video that was created to introduce children to various holidays around the world. It offers a fun sampling of religious celebrations from around the world in song and then a brief overview of each holiday after the song. With so much conflict in the world, I pray for more peace, love and inclusion. It’s time for us to learn to live as one diverse, multi-faceted and loving world family.

May our hearts be filled with peace, love and joy. Happy Holidays! 

17 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 253- Christmas edition

  1. Thanks for this lovely and heart-warming holiday collection, Brad. I’m inspired by the authentic spirit of this season, which transcends particulars of custom and convention to create a space for authentic sharing and peace…

    In Gratitude,

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