Awesome Stories 191

This week Awesome Stories bring you Kid President, the benefits of sadness, renewable energy, compassion, kindness and hemp.

The Story of Kid President

Meet Robby Novak, aka “Kid President”. If you haven’t seen one of his videos, then you must be living under a rock. 🙂 Stop everything and go watch the video! Like many people around the world, I’ve fallen for the charm, fun and lively personality of Robby that has grown into a worldwide sensation as Kid President. I love the consistently playful energy while reminding us of great life lessons like being awesome, helping others and living as everyday heroes. What I didn’t know is the amazing back story. Robby and his sister Lexi were both born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) which causes brittle bones, many fractures and horrible pain. Compounded by being orphans, this easily could have been a tragic tale. But thanks to the love of Laurie and David Novak, who fostered and later adopted the children, they are now a happy family with an amazing story. Maybe you’ll fall in love with Robby too!  🙂

Hemp Batteries?

I’ve written before about the amazing uses for hemp. Scientists have just added another one to the growing list! According to Professor David Mitlin, hemp may be even better than graphene for high performance supercapacitors that could change the game for electric cars and other renewable energy applications. Graphene has some wonderful properties for applications in batteries, solar, touch screens and supercapacitors, but is very expensive. Dr. Mitlin and researchers at the University of Canada have demonstrated hemp performance for the supercapacitors on par, or better, than graphene based supercapacitors, at a thousandth of the cost, and processed with ease. Go Hemp!

Canine Compassioncompassion, dogs, Awesome Stories

I’m not a pet owner, but I enjoy the playful energy and boundless affection of most dogs. The artist Mark Barone has dedicated his talents and resources to eliminating the practice of euthanasia in animal shelters in a 4 year project called An Act of Dog: Museum of Compassion. He wants to do more than just raise the awareness of how many dogs are killed in shelters, 5500 per day in the US, but help bring compassionate action to change the system in animal shelters. To do this, Mark is painting 5500 dogs, who died in shelters, as part of a permanent educational exhibit to cultivate compassion in the next generation.

Renewable Energy Records

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), renewable energy grew at it’s fastest rate ever for 2013 and is now supplying over 22% of the worldwide energy supply. The renewable energy supply is expected to continue to grow reaching 26% by 2020. As prices drop and technology improves, the renewable energy supply will continue to grow and help create more sustainable solutions. Good news for the environment!

Spreading Kindness kindness, Awesome Stories

Meet Fluro Zebra, an infectious 10 year old girl determined to change the world one kind act at a time. She’s been on a mission to spread smiles and kindness with her adorable hand made pet rocks and cards. I admire her passion, creativity and willingness to go person to person offering free gifts in service of smiles! Are you ready to be infected with kindness and help spread the smiles? I appreciate her reminder that small things can make a big difference. Smiles, hugs, opening doors and other simple acts of kindness can change someone’s day or more. Let’s go help Fluro infect the world!  🙂

The Silver Lining in Sadness 

Sadness is often an emotion that we prefer to minimize or avoid. For most of my life, I resisted feeling sad for fear of sinking into a deeper depression. Now, that I am embracing my emotions, they flow more freely to come and go as appropriate. According this article, sadness has hidden genetic benefits developed to help us learn and make better choices. As per common wisdom, we learn from our mistakes and sadness is part of that process. Four of the hidden benefits are improving attention, memory, judgement, interactions and decisions while increasing motivation. The video also offers the way to make the most of our positive experiences by noticing them, savoring the experience and feeling, then lock the memory in your body.

What hidden blessings can you find in your life? Practicing gratitude and flow have helped me. 🙂


19 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 191

  1. Wonderful Awesome Stories Brad! I love that little pet rock gal, she’s totally speaking my language! And of course, you already know I’m a big fan of Kid President. 😀
    I’m definitely a proponent of hemp and all of its beneficial uses, and I hope one day the bans on growing it are lifted ~ I’d grow some myself! 🙂
    Interesting article on the benefits of sadness, and it doesn’t surprise me at all. Our emotions, even sadness, have their purpose.
    Thanks for sharing all of these, have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Kid President videos are just the best! He’s way beyond his years, that boy! I didn’t know about his background either, that was a heartwarming piece to learn.
    The young girl who makes pet rocks and cards for others is inspirational also. We grown ups have much to learn from kids!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I must have been living under a rock! I hadn’t come across Kid President, amazing videos. So much truth put over in an entertaining and joyous way. Captivating! Thanks for sharing and opening my eyes to him Brad 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Brad! Great stories this week!! I’m not surprised about sadness. ..seems every now and then a good cry can cleanse a whole lot of bad energy away!! Thanks again for your wonderful support. ..I appreciate our connection Brad!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      • I am an animal Lover Brad… Never had a Dog, but have had numerous Cats whom I didn’t own, lol, they owned me,..One was 21 years old… She was special… We are Petless at the moment have been for a few years… only fish in the garden and tropical fish.. 🙂 But it may change as now I am not working each day.. 🙂
        Always enjoy your posts 🙂


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