Carolina Beach Time

Carolina Beach Time

beach, birthday, rest, relaxation

Snows Cut near Carolina Beach, NC

I had a great time with family with lots of service projects. I always enjoy helping my mother with various projects around the house and yard. Her mobility has diminished along with her health and I’m concerned for her health and ability to take care of everything. I even considered moving back to the Washington DC area to be closer, but ultimately I’m not ready to take on the pace, expense and traffic of the area. So for now, I plan to go back more often to help mom and be with my brother’s family.

Mom's house, family, service

Mom’s house and yard after a cool, wet spring.

And now I’m happy to be at the beach for a few days of rest and relaxation. I arrived at Carolina Beach NC in time for my birthday! It was such a treat to have dinner looking out at the ocean for my birthday. There is much to process and decide about my life and family. For now, I simply want to say thanks to the many people who have reached out to me during my travel.

I didn’t spend much time online while I was visiting family and I really enjoyed keeping my online time limited. It helps me realize that I prefer more physical, in person activity and less digital time. I don’t know what this will mean for my blog, but it’s clear that I plan to spend more time being physically active and interactive with people. I can see how my digital life has been a time filler and replacement for reaching out to people and creating personal connections.Carolina Beach, storms, weather


Until next time or my return to Fayetteville, Hasta La Vista baby!


58 thoughts on “Carolina Beach Time

  1. So glad you had a good time at the beach! 🙂 I completely agree on your comment on digital time. I prefer physical connections and conversations so much more than chats on the phone. But the blog has added something amazing to my life… It has added innumerable people who are great at writing or at capturing splendid moments in photographs… And I would’ve never met these people if not for the blog. And I enjoy interacting with these supremely talented people, albeit digitally! A couple of hours every other day reading their work and sharing my thoughts feels like a good deal 🙂 I hope you continue to write for all of us who visit you here 🙂 cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow Aina. Thanks for the kind words. You made my day. This community has been amazingly supportive of me for which I’m very grateful. I’ll be doing the best I can to listen for heart whispers and open doors from spirit.

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    • Thanks Cynthia. Mom’s house is a fun color. I enjoy playing the helper role, which may be a clue to my work path. 🙂 I’m loving my time at the beach and it’s nice to connecting with our community too. 🙂


  2. Well now…Happy Birthday to you Brad…! Glad your trip so far has been wonderful and as you travel about always remember, you never know when or where that next door will open for you so be ready and available 🙂 Enjoy the beach and take your time….Blessings and Birthday Greetings…VK

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  3. Happy birthday Brad! And what a perfect way to spend it – being near the ocean! I’m envious… 😉
    Great pictures, I love that last one and your mom’s home is so charming. I’m glad you got in some good family time this past month and I’m sure they really enjoyed having you there. I’m sorry to hear that your mom’s mobility and health are diminishing, I know how that it is. My mom is still doing really good, but I see hers gradually diminishing as well, and I’m glad I can be here with her to help in any way I can. And heck, she helps me too! 🙂 I truly don’t know where I’d be without my family. ❤
    I know what you mean about preferring 'in person' connections and activities, as I myself am such a 'people person,' but I find my online interactions with others very satisfying as well, and I've 'met' some wonderful people who I otherwise would not have, many of whom I would have as friends 'in real life' if distance didn't separate us. I've also found over time that I'm a bit of an introverted extrovert (if there is such a thing), and I need my time away from 'in person' interactions, as it can get draining at times, where as my online community is less so. It's also a wonderful outlet for my creative expression and sharing. Although, I've done much less of that recently – the 'in person' interactions and some personal struggles have been draining that a bit. 😉 I hope to be back at it more regularly soon, but I'll have to wait and see…
    Whatever life brings you, whether it be in person or online interactions and activities, I wish you much love and many blessings my friend. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself here with us. 🙂

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    • Thanks Julie. I can relate to so much of what you wrote, although I’m more of an extroverted introvert. 🙂
      I hope you’re taking time to fill your love tank, however, wherever and with whomever that is! I’m glad you, your mom, daughter and granddaughter can all hang out together. Family is pulling me more and more. I appreciate you and feel a nice connection with you that I bet would be the same in person. Being at the beach is pretty wonderful after too many years away.
      Many hugs and blessings.

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  4. A dramatic beach picture – I can feel the drama of the storm moving in. I think that you’ll be able to find some kind of a balance between living your life and then sharing/processing what you choose on your blog. To me blogging is always a sort of extraction from my larger life and gives me a chance to reflect and choose. I love your mom’s sweet little house…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Annette. The storm was mostly over thank goodness. I’ve had a pleasant week of sun and fun. I hope to find a good balance between my digital and in-person life, and relate to blogging being a great way to reflect and extract the highlights of my life. Thanks for your support. Hugs!

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  5. Wishing you the best, Brad, with the decisions you are pondering. Also my best wishes to your mother. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the “people time” and the healthy negative ions on the beach. Love & blessings, Sam 🙂

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  6. Happy Birthday Brad… Lovely to spend a little time with you online, catching up with what you are doing… II agree, ultimately life is for physically living, experiencing the sensual life. That’s why I try and post once a week and when I’m busy with priority no 1 (me)… its longer. Take care, love Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. And the adventures continue, as they should 🙂 Yes, a more physically active life seems to be more rewarding in many ways ~ a balance needs to be found and I think constantly adjusted. As for your relaxation on a Carolina beach, WOW. Great photos, and based on the shot of Snows Cut near Carolina Beach, that would make for a good place to grow roots for a while…what a view!

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  8. So happy you are enjoying your time away from Blog land Brad.. I know exactly how you feel, My own time away due to the PC problems, showed me how I was worrying in the background of not being on my blog.. Yet when I couldn’t access it because I had no PC.. It lifted.. And this past week I have been gardening like crazy as the weather has been brilliant..
    Rain today 🙂 so taking time to catch up again.. Yet the pressure I put upon my self to catch up with people has now gone.. I arrive when I arrive and I know they will too 🙂
    So enjoy your beach and your travels Brad..
    Loved the pictures..
    Take care of YOU.. you deserve this space..
    Love Sue ❤

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