Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreamspoetry, sunsets, beauty


goodbye sweet river sunsets

my heart is sad for the parting

leaving the peace and beauty of the woods

this guy is headed to the city

awash in people, sights and sounds

preparing to make my mark

a single man among many

returning to the web of humanity


I’m going to miss these wonderful views. Next week I’m moving back into town to live in a high-rise apartment right in the middle of town. I’ve wanted to live downtown so I could better access walking, biking and cultural activities. We’ll see how I adapt to the city lights and noises. This is also an attempt to radically simplify my life and finances while I sort out what’s next. It will be interesting to live in subsidized housing. The low price comes with some tradeoffs; a small studio with poor design and challenging atmosphere. And still, I’m excited to be moving downtown and determined to make the best of the situation and to rise and shine!  🙂

41 thoughts on “Sweet Dreams

  1. Enjoy the journey! I wish you the best in this new move. And if you don’t like it, it’s not the end of the world – you can always change it. Husby and I moved to town about 9 months ago after living in the country for nearly eight years. Being able to walk (with the exception of my commute) has been *awesome.*
    There have been tradeoffs – I’m not in a “nature sanctuary” anymore, but somehow I still feel connected by my morning practice of meditation and regularly getting out hiking – which has been easier since we moved to town, ironically. It’s closer to everything, including hiking trails. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Best of everything Brad!!! I remember when I lived in Maryland years ago on the bay front…It was gorgeous and all I did was stare at the water all day…Meditative…Then I moved down the road and built my new house myself but no water….I was scared I’d miss it once I moved. Quite the contrary. It brought me back in touch with nature and woods and trees etc. I forgot about the water really quickly…All worked out well for the time I lived there. What we miss or think we will miss we fill up with new possibilities….Have fun. Hope it makes your life even better….VK 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      • I have very little I want now as life has swooped in and turned me upside down and thrown me a curve ball, but I keep trying to find a new foundation to build on. Hard times. Hopefully we will create our heaven in the end. Lets keep trying Brad and move forward. Here’s hoping for peace my friend 🙂 VK


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