Open Your Eyes

Here’s a gem from last year’s month of poetry that I wrote for earth day.

Happy Earth Day! May we appreciate her many gifts.

writing to freedom

Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes, Spring, poetry, NaMoWriPo

I offer mother earth my thanks

for treasure beyond money in banks

trees bursting with flowers aglow

the springtime magic show


birds sing, flit and mate

their partners happy and sate

april showers steady and rife

nourishing the hidden seeds of life


once again the miracle of birth

hidden treasures from the earth

tendrils reach to the sky

lift up your third eye


let the majesty of spring

make your heart sing

open your mind

beauty and grace combined


say goodbye to strife

allow beauty into your life

be still and know

life is all aglow

NaPoWriMo, poetry

May the beauty of nature touch your soul and inspire you to love, protect and enjoy this precious planet.

Happy Earth Day. Love your Mother!

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