Shimmering Light

Glowing rose petals after rain.


delicate blossoms

shimmering in the soft light

warm my tender heart


Another beautiful sunset.
The ducks like to hang out on the deck.
Our beautiful community garden.

I’ve been enjoying the pond life with water, ducks, frogs, birds, sunsets, and my neighbor’s beautiful garden.

Thank you Pond Life.


64 thoughts on “Shimmering Light

  1. I just can’t get over what a great spot you landed in…That was meant to be Brad!!!! Such a great place but I bet one has to deal with duck poop on the deck….Small price to pay I guess for their presence there. Fun! Enjoy your space πŸ™‚ VK

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Beautiful series of shots, Brad. The opening is a crisp and delicate intro into this bliss of your pond life ~ and it is uplifting to see you embrace the beauty and good around you (and kudos to your luck in finding such a place). Take care, my friend.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Beautiful poem, Brad, and wonderful photos. I love the shimmering rain on the rose. And you have a lovely community garden! The duck? Well, as long as you don’t have much to clean up after him… lol. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. So much to be thankful for, including the reminder to be thankful for where we are. I love the fairy in the birdbath. I also enjoyed reading your touching posts about your mother. As our bodies slow down a little, we grow stronger in spirit and wisdom.

    Liked by 2 people

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