Walking on Snowshine

I love these pockets of nature in our suburban neighborhood.


winter wonder blankets the trees

feathery snow blowing in the breeze

crunch crunch I go

merrily through the snow

a feast for the eyes

magic toner for the thighs

despite arctic temperatures

we’re game adventurers

this deer has come to eat

a delicious bamboo treat


We’re having a staredown.

This deer has been around the backyard and neighborhood a lot recently; feeding and resting. I think the bamboo is a great source of food and shelter to hide while it nurses its wounded rear leg.

Meanwhile, I’m loving the snow if not the extreme cold. We had about 9″ of snow last Thursday and Friday which is more than I can remember in probably 10 years. Due to the cold, it has stayed on the ground longer too, giving me a chance to walk, photograph, and enjoy the rare treat. Here are a few of my favorite captures from the neighborhood.

Our street was a winter wonderland with people walking and sledding on the hill.
The birds have been active in the yard too.

May your heart and feet be happy!

58 thoughts on “Walking on Snowshine

  1. I love the title of this.. had me singing. And the poem was a treat.

    I hadn’t noticed the deer’s wound on your IG post. Gosh that’s a pretty bad injury. Poor sweetheart. Sending her healing energy. I sure hope she can get strong again. Are there any wild animal rescues around that might be able to help?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is indeed a winter wonderland – what a diffrence from the 70 degree sunshine I took a walk in today – your pictures feel stunningly beautiful to me, a precious treasure if and when I get to experience it. It is amazing how the deer finds a way and perhaps the trust to heal – which I think it will.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lovely poem, Brad. Love the line, ‘crunch crunch I go’…and I read the next line as ‘merrily merrily through the snow’ 😀 Hope the deer heals. Enjoy your winter and cold, Brad. It’s summer over here and I love it. You can keep the cold and snow 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s TRULY a winter wonderland. I admit I love my warm and sunny climate, but I grew up with snow and find such peace an serenity in it. ( plus cute scarves. Lol) I love the photo of the street or path, And would love a quiet walk along there contemplating life. There is always so much to think about in the quiet, isn’t there? Just Beautiful. Donna

    Liked by 2 people

  5. A merry poem, Brad. I’m glad you’re getting a snow-workout! It’s beautiful and fun when it’s a rare event. I noticed that deer’s leg. I hope it finds sanctuary while it heals. Have fun with the camera while the snow lasts. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. ‘A magic toner for the thighs.’ Ain’t that the truth, quite the workout trudging through the stuff! It’s a little bit of magic for the soul, too – the stillness always feels like a blanket of calm, for just a bit. I hope you are doing well, Brad. After a long-drawn-out winter, I am looking forward to some sun and warmth. Take good care, my friend. Lots of HNS. xo

    Liked by 2 people

  7. We live in Northern Mn. where the snow is too high for much walking in it. My son in law clears a path for the cars to part, the driveway and one must let the nature take care of the rest due to so much. I love my bird feeded and we do have deer up here but have not seen them since the blizzards started. They are hunkered down like us humans. Liked your poem.

    Liked by 1 person

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