Building our Health, Freedom, and Wisdom

Building our Health, Freedom, and Wisdom

choice, love, freedom

I’ve been reading some interesting things lately and feel strongly to share the following information with my community. Thanks for reading and considering these ideas. Your comments are welcome, and please share any information that resonates with you.

  • Build our wisdom by reading widely from a variety of sources and listening to our inner knowing.
  • Build our health by trying these self-care ideas. Love, nature, gratitude, and play are my top choices.
  • Build our immune systems and reduce stressors. Connection, humor, music, and sunshine are my favorites.
  • Build our freedom with awareness and choice; stepping back, observing from a centered place, and making better choices.

Sue from Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary offers us a beautiful and wise reminder to Resurrect The Love Antidote!  Sue reminds us that we have the choice to build love or allow ourselves to be controlled by fear. And she offers some great tips to build our immune system with love, hobbies, nature, and meditation. Both Sue and Dr. Shiva are talking about fear being used to control the masses.

We aren’t being told the truth about coronavirus and COVID-19. Viruses don’t kill people!

See the graphic below. An out-of-balance immune response in our bodies is what kills people. And this only happens with people who have a weak immune system and underlying conditions. The remedy is to boost our immune systems. We might wonder why the doctors, talking heads, CDC, and WHO aren’t telling us these things. My sense is the powerful elite want us off balance in fear so we can be controlled and manipulated. And guess what weakens our immune system? Fear. Therefore, building our immune system is key.truth, virus

We don’t have to succumb to fear, corona, or more restrictions on our lives in the name of public safety. Remember how 911 was used to take away many of our personal freedoms, not just when flying. This latest “pandemic” seems to be an opportunity for the powerful elite to control us with fear for the sake of killing political dissent, mandating medicine, and making more money. Why are we bailing out corporations and billionaires while leaving millions homeless and starving? I don’t know the whole truth of this situation but feel strongly the coronavirus is being exaggerated to serve other purposes.

This may sound like a conspiracy theory, the rants of a cranky old man, or more fear. Still, I ask you to explore these ideas with an open mind and heart. Research some of the things mentioned in this post. Or simply accept the idea that truth is power over our lives. With truth comes freedom from control. We can direct our lives with truth and freedom.

Let’s make better choices for our health. Access better water, food, exercise, rest, and immune-boosting vitamins like Vitamins A, C, and D. Reduce stressors like sugar, junk food, media news, and the master stressor; fear.

Love, connection, play, and humor can also help us heal and boost our immune systems. 

Even doctors are questioning the hype over the coronavirus. Here is an interview of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya by Peter Robinson. He believes the mortality rates for COVID-19 are being over-projected by maybe a factor of 10. Based on science and economics, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya questions the premise that the coronavirus would kill millions without shelter-in-place orders and quarantines. In fact, the shelter in place policy may be causing as much harm as good.

The key questions aren’t whether coronavirus is real, dangerous, manmade, or hyped, but more importantly;

  1. Why are we shutting businesses and sheltering in place?
  2. Will we consciously choose the direction of our lives, economics, politics, and health?

The solutions lie in choosing to build our health, freedom, wisdom, and love. 

If you resonate with any of these messages, please share them and do your part to spread love, cooperation, and personal empowerment. Let’s start a loving revolution that empowers people to build our health, freedom, wisdom, love, and ultimately self-sovereignty. We can claim mastery and responsibility for our lives. Let’s become love emissaries willing to make better choices and actions based on love, cooperation, and the good of all.

79 thoughts on “Building our Health, Freedom, and Wisdom

  1. So much of what you say resonates, Brad. There is so much more going on, on so many different levels. This is a pivotal time for the collective and for individuals. Are we brave and motivated enough to take responsibility for ourselves or will we sink further into enslavement? It all seems like such a monumental, futile task. But we can start by taking control of our bodies, as you suggested. Boosting our energy and immunity is not all that difficult. It requires discipline,at first, to change habits. But it gets easier when you start to feel better. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. We need as much fearless authenticity as possible right now.

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    • Thank you Julie. I’m delighted that you resonate with this post. I was hoping I wouldn’t come across as a crank. 🙂 I’m happy to know you and others are aware and willing to take responsibility for our lives. May we help others wake up and make better choices. 🙏

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      • It’s sad that we have to be afraid of voicing our thoughts for fear of being labeled a “crank”. There’s nothing wrong with being observant, listening to intuition, and asking questions, rather than just taking what the media and authority says as ultimate truth. Something is very off about this whole situation, and this is much more frightening than the virus. All we can do is support each other and stay above the fear.

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  2. Brad this is a wonderfully informative post on so many levels… Many I feel are now beginning to question and open their eyes and minds to look a little deeper not only into statistics but the constant bombardment of media, and the controlling mechanisms put in place to control and lock people down..

    No one giving positive information on how to improve immune systems, or uplift the people who are watching their TV boxes…. Its constant overload of negativity… ( A method perhaps in their ‘madness’ ) of de-pressing even further the population…

    Learning to detach, and keep our heart centres strong and balanced, in love and humour is a key factor …
    Remember the Dr in a film played by Robin Williams 1998 film “Patch Adams, how his healing methods of laughter helped heal patients. 🙂
    Dr Bruce Lipton mentioned another man who healed himself by shutting himself away to watch comedy… Showing us how our biology can rewire itself.. 🙂
    Like Julie says above, its up to each of us to take back our responsibility, by being responsible for what we put into our bodies…
    Many thanks for your linking of my post too Brad….
    Hope your Easter was peaceful…
    Love and Hugs your way Brad.. 🙂 🙏

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  3. I agree with you, Brad, there is something very strange about this whole situation. Why are governments actively destroying our economies and livelihoods over a virus that is not slowing despite the lockdowns. The only protection is herd immunity when lots of people have had it and recovered. It just doesn’t make sense and I know for sure that in my country, starvation is going to kill a lot more people than this virus.

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  4. I agree with J D Riso. We do need to take personal responsibility for our minds and bodies and. this does take self discipline…something which seems to be lacking for so many. Keeping a healthy immune system is key….and turning off the news helps to achieve this. Janet 🙂

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  5. Great post Brad…and I agree wholeheartedly. My pet peeve on this issue is the number of tickets being given to families for not physical distancing even though they are the only family in a deserted area. A case in point was a father and his three boys rollerblading in a deserted parking lot that had no barriers. They were accosted by a bylaw officer who said that they shouldn’t be there. The father asked who they were bothering and the bylaw officer said ” it’s going to be like that is it” and wrote out a ticket for $850 and walked away. Limited dialogue on his part and no attempt to reason. The father is going to fight the ticket.

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  6. i wholeheartedly agree with all you shared here brad. thank you for putting this out there. great bullet points and i especially love this: Love, connection, play, and humor can also help us heal and boost our immune systems. ❤ i'm with you! weeeeeee!

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  7. There are many questions with this situation Brad, and I’ve asked myself most of those you’ve highlighted at one time or another. It’s a tricky, confusing time, but there are also worries about the future – will this become a positive in the long term as I hope, or will we come to regret those restrictive laws and be left with a handful of strong corporations controlling everything. But…I choose to be positive about what I can control at this point, which is myself and my actions.

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    • It’s good to know I’m not the only one questioning these things Andrea. I’m concerned there may be LT restrictions and impositions put in place under the guise of public protection. And yes, the best we can do is control our own choices and actions. Take care.

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  8. I’m with you on the proactively aiming for health–but I do think even some very healthy individuals have succumbed to this virus. Think of allergens. Expose all of us to peanut butter and some will be fine, while others will react strongly. I believe it will come down to variables that haven’t been identified yet–and until we know what those variables are (blood type, protein reactions, etc.), we all need to just be safe, eat healthy, get fresh air and care for each other . . .

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  9. What a great post Brad, very thought provoking. I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately which have given me plenty of food for thought. I think the only thing we can be certain of is that there’s been a huge shift and that some sort of transformation is on its way. It’s so important to look after ourselves and choose faith over fear. That’s why I stay away from the news. I do believe there’s much more going on than we realise but at the end of the day we can all do the right thing by simply looking after ourselves and looking out for each other.

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  10. Thanks for this article, do you think they use the coronavirus to get us off the streets so they can better control crime? But how about all those companies that are going bankrupt? It sounds to me that nobody benefits from that?

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  11. This is a beautiful message, Brad. Fear is known to defeat more people than any other one thing in the world. Let us be strong and rise above this illusory psychosis created by the Coronavirus. We ultimately attract what we project.

    Sending you much love X

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  12. Thanks, Brad, for such a thoughtful, questioning article. We should question what we are told and people are starting to ask, especially when certain actions are being pushed by leaders who are famous for lying to suit their own ends. As for myself, I’d rather be safe than sorry, which is why building up our immune systems makes so much sense to me. It’s one big line of defense that we can undertake on our own. So is hand-washing and wearing a mask in certain situations.

    When we hear that Italy lost 71 doctors in a matter of weeks (and Lord knows how many other healthcare workers), we have to take this disease seriously. It’s not only the very old with underlying conditions, though their numbers are high. Many young and healthy people are also dying.

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    • Thanks for caring Cynthia. Most importantly, we must care for each other. I’m glad you found value in my thoughts and questions. Absolutely, we must take this virus seriously. But also we must explore what else is going on and do the best we can to control our own lives.

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      • “We can claim mastery and responsibility for our lives.” Such an important point, Brad, and mastery rests in part on receiving truthful information. That can no longer be taken for granted from the news media. The Telegraph actually took credit for helping Boris Johnson’s Tories to win and no doubt Fox News can claim the same with your president. The owners of the UK’s largest papers live in foreign countries and have far-right views. Their tabloid newspapers vilify innocent individuals who have no recourse to fight back. Their lies and innuendo go unchecked.

        I became a journalist because we and our profession were supposed to be that crucial pillar of democracy that provides factual stories and analysis to help our nations understand the very hectic world in which we live. Many of today’s media in the UK, the US and to a smaller extent Canada, cannot be trusted with truth. And now their untruths and bias are readily available everywhere and enjoy a false equivalency with those media who try to be ethical. That’s my rant for the day.


  13. You’ve put together a beautiful post Brad to make those minds think and hopefully decide to dig deeper themselves. If we all become the love antidote while locked up we will surely walk out into our harmonious world. Here’s to holding the vision high. Much love Brad, Barbara x

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  14. While I agree with there being a lot to question, a friend’s friend is sadly being taken off life support from Coronavirus related destruction to his body. I saw an article written about this person raising money for his mother he will leave behind as well as my friend had sent me a photo and I have been in prayer for this individual. He was a respiratory therapist and only 35, with no pre-existing conditions. I’m not saying this to bring fear. I’m saying it because this person’s lungs are fibrotic and they lost the fight, and it’s very sad. I have taken this virus, that causes a disease called COVID19 and cytokine storm some experience because of it, very seriously. Sending a protective bubble and hope for all I can. May we find an end to this situation and more clarity and trust in our news…May we have unifying leaders in the future.

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  15. You’re right, Brad, that we’d be in better shape if we, as a world, had taken better care of our health by eating healthy foods, getting fresh air and exercise, and de-stressing. It would also reduce deaths as a result of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, addiction, and mental health ailments. But those, I think, are sweeping generalizations that don’t apply to everyone. Old people can’t prevent oldness. Some people who do take care of themselves get sick anyway, and there are so many situations where people are without significant choices, particularly when it comes to poverty and all the physical and mental stressors it creates related to nutrition, education, healthcare, and stress.

    Perhaps when we emerge from the other side of this, the virus will have a silver lining. Perhaps, as a world, we’ll see the importance of caring for the vulnerable among us and giving them the opportunities to lead healthier lives. We’ll get rid of the chemicals in our air, water, and food, we’ll have healthcare for all, we’ll pay a living wage so people have time for leisure and exercise, we’ll facilitate quality education and opportunity, we’ll address global climate change which is going to create new health challenges across the world. I think that as long as we, as a world civilization, are willing to leave so many with compromised opportunities for health, we must own the result. In the meantime, those who can eat organic, purchase vitamins, get outside in nature, and exercise would be wise to do so! Their lives may depend on it. Stay safe, peaceful, grateful, and loving, my friend. ❤

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  16. This resonates with me, too. I am not a medical expert but I feel at a loss to understand what has happened globally and reading this post made me feel more anchored. I too believe strongly in the power of nutrition, rest, exercise etc. Confinement isn’t good for anyone, although of course we respect the rules of the quarantine. Anyway, thanks for your post.

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    • Hi Anna. Thanks for reaching out. I’m glad my post helped you feel more anchored. We all need that, especially now. Your blog is filled with great tips for homeschooling, learning, and parenting. I hope you help others navigate those challenges. Take care, and take deep breaths. 🙂 Blessings, Brad

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  17. Valid points you bring up here, Brad! I think it is always best to try to get as much information from opposing views and I remember the saying, “The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.”
    As someone who used to experience so much fear I know just how debilitating that can be to a body…immune system. Yes…we should be proactive in our health, both mental and physical. And love seems like a really good place to start…and end.
    Sending you wishes of love and peace.
    Stay well ❤

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    • It’s nice to “see” you here Lorrie. I’m glad you found value in my musings. Definitely love is key, translated into more compassionate actions and policies by our leaders I hope. Cyber hugs! ❤


  18. You know Brad I completely agree with your valuable words and why let the virus kill us. We must be courageous and fight it no matter what. Our body needs to be fighting this virus which is a killer for sure. In India we gargle our throat with warm water and a little salt and also keep on sipping hot water, with lime it really helps us here to fight this virus. let us all work together as a loving family and being positive. Thank you so much for your valuable share. Stay safe.

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  19. What a great conversation! Thank you for beginning it. I have been exploring Wisdom as a spiritual presence and guide for many years now. Your post invites me to consider those ideas anew. I am grateful to have encountered your writing today.

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  20. Thank you for this uplifting post! I greatly admire your inner wisdom, strength, and kindness and your ability to take other´s feelings and sensitivities into account. Thank you for being an empathetic being! In times like these a lot tends to show about people´s true personalities and abilities to emphasize, or lack thereof. I very much agree that it is in our own power to focus on love! I would add to your beautiful post that its crucial to maintain or create healthy boundaries with draining people, aka people who do not take emotional responsibility for themselves. Thanks for your friendship and kindness, Brad! Much love

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Maria. I appreciate your kind and heartfelt comments, and hope I can live up to your high view of me. 🙂 No doubt that we need to create healthy boundaries as part of taking care of ourselves. You’ve been quiet online. I hope you’re well and enjoying your life offline. Hugs and love…

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  21. Thank you Brad! I have had some sad family news/ a passing of an aunt plus some other challenges. So I am currently very selective regarding where I comment while I recover. And I love supporting others who do their part in creating good vibes and who care about nature and other beings!! You rock. Thanks for your concern! Much love and hugs xoxoxo

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