Crystalline Moments

Crystalline Momentswinter, wonder, poetry


a beautiful dream

frozen in time

thoughts crystallized

in spirals of wonder

lattices for languid love

waiting on spring’s song


#melancholy musings, #winterwonder


51 thoughts on “Crystalline Moments

  1. Very nice, Brad. Frost/ice patterns are always so amazing to me. I know there’s a scientific reason for the way it forms and why it produces different patterns, but it still fills me with awe and wonder of nature. Great prose too! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The photo is beautiful as is your poem. It is amazing what beauty nature creates. This time,
    the frost with water tendrils.
    I really love these lines of yours.

    “lattices for languid love
    waiting on spring’s song”


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Brad, I really enjoyed this poem! Beautifully written, and with such a sublime message of hope, longing, and wonder. To me, it feels like you capture hidden layers of love here, layers that are often out of grasp. Great job! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful words accompanies by a really fabulous image. I remember when I lived in the States being absolutely enchanted after ice storms….where all the trees looked like crystal. To this day one of those beautiful visual memories. Thank you very much Brad for always bringing such beauty to blog land:). Janet X

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love it, Brad! Beautiful words to match a beautiful photo….hmmmmmm…feels good. Thanks for sharing from your soul…it feels like there is a new peace emanating from your words…
    Sending all good thoughts and wonderful wishes for miracles ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Lorre. There was a new peace and hope at the end of the year. Lately, I’ve been getting caught up in the headlines and sense of despair. I know it will pass and all I/ we can do is our best a step at a time. To hugs, hope, and miracles!


      • I can’t handle the headlines, Brad. I literally feel sick if I watch too much. I keep believing that things have to get better! I hate the division…and it seems that a lot of the current climate is more about “I…Me Me My” than how we come together. I think the best we can do is continue to radiate love and goodness. Sending lots of good energy!

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