Autumn Glory

Autumn Glory


alive with color

nature’s beauty on display

the glory of fall


I wanted to update friends and followers on my life plans.

After a long and stressful hunt for a new place to live, I’ve decided to stay where I am. I will be moving downstairs and sharing the space with the landlord part of the time. We’re going to flex according to whether there are Airbnb guests staying upstairs. When the upstairs is rented, we’ll share downstairs. When it’s not, she will be upstairs and I will be downstairs. So I will have my own space some of the time. This isn’t ideal, but compared to what I was finding with short notice, I decided it’s my best option and I don’t have to move or change my address again!

Similarly, I’ve decided to stay at my current job for as long as I can stand it. I still don’t really like it, but I’m acclimating to the standing, taking lots of breaks, and appreciating the hours and steady income that allows me to save money each month. I’m tentatively planning to stay with the job and room until next May when I turn 62 and am eligible to start collecting Social Security. I have to explore the details to see if it’s a good choice, but I’m thinking I could scale back to part-time work or maybe try to live super simple. Or it might be time to try some travel on a budget.

The next few months will give me a chance to let these ideas gestate and see what is calling me for the next steps. The image is from a few years ago in my old neighborhood. We still haven’t seen many signs of fall this year. So far, it’s still hot and dry, with mostly green and a few brown leaves falling.

Thanks for caring and supporting me. I’m very grateful for the connections made here on WordPress. Many times your care has helped me weather the storms of life.

Hugs and Stuff!

85 thoughts on “Autumn Glory

  1. Love the poem.

    Brad, your plan sounds well thought out. I truly hope these next couple of months work out for you.
    Your living arrangement plan and the steady income should help. I hope you find happiness and peace.
    And i wish you a ton of success. I believe social security now permits people to work part time. So you may have to research that to make sure you stay within their limits.

    Wish you all the best. You are a kind inspiring soul who deserves all the very best.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. this does feel like a supportive route to take brad all around. i’m glad you came to a resolution for now and have found ways to create balance with what is here currently while things percolate. not having to rush or force anything i feel will create more alignment with natural evolution of things, just as the seasons are taking their time to transition, but think nothing of it. it’s inevitable change will come, but no need to make it happen faster than is necessary. this interim phase is a step forward that feels to be helping to make the transitions more gentle and allow the rooting of new to anchor more solidly. hugs and stuff back at you! i love that you said that kindred spirit!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. That’s a lovely shot of an Autumn past, Brad! Glad to hear that you’ve settled on a temporary living (and working) arrangement for now. Trust that when a change is meant to occur, doors will open for you. Wishing you a beautiful day and great weekend ahead! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Hang in there Brad….Out of all bad comes good and in the end I feel something will show itself to you and this stretch of time will have been worth it! Deep breaths! Take care Brad and enjoy the fall…. VK 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  5. What a beautiful image and your words to go with it! I send you my best wishes of ease and joy through your navigation to clarity. It all unfolds perfectly – that’s my personal theme that I am trusting. I agree with you about connections made here – they are so precious in how they support us. I feel like I have arrived back home after a long unintended break and so very happy to be back, to be in touch with all those who keep the spark lit – including you.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. This plan makes sense and feels right for now. I’m glad you don’t have to move until you’re ready. When you’re ready to travel, maybe there’s a way to make money from your photography and writing, like a travel blog. I don’t know much about how that works, but maybe it has to do with writing about places you stay. Anyway, take good care of you. When the time is right, the next steps will become clear. Sending hugs and warm thoughts.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Isn’t it beautiful to have the support!!
    Number one…never thought you were 62…not that 62 is old mind you (I am climbing towards it) it’s just your photos look like a much younger man! I am happy that you have found peace with your decision. I think so many times it is when we don’t know what to do that we feel so much stress. Sometimes it is better to make a CHOICE and live with it. The beautiful thing about choices is we don’t have to make them etched in stone. But the mind…body and spirit feel more secure when a choice has been made.
    Sweet Blessings, Brad. Hope you have a great week!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I think it’s wonderful that you have some time to think further about your future plans, Brad. Making changes before your ready for them is so stressful. This gives you time to weigh options, and who knows what will appear on the horizon. Beautiful photo and haiku. That time to enjoy this glorious season. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Things will unfold for you as you take the right approach. Sitting on a decision and letting it “gestate” is a great idea! You will be led in the correct direction and kept on your path….I truly believe that as you allow the direction to come to you and not force your will on it. My best to you….keep after it!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Lovely to read of your decisions brad, I’m sure it’ll all work out and your next steps next year will all unfold easily. The trick is to embrace all circumstances and enjoy life knowing your life is unfolding most perfectly❤️ Much love x

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Thanks for the update, Brad. You’ve made thoughtful small changes that will help while you percolate some more. Breathing in every day helps with the percolating. Meditating and taking yourself out of the equation sometimes helps too (at least it helps me). Even 10 minutes of meditation can give me a different perspective of “life.” Right now outside my window, life is once again proving to me that nothing stays still. The glorious green of the trees has changed to orange and red and yellow and as much as I want to shout to them “STOP” they won’t. They can’t. They will drop and leave us soon (no pun intended), but thankfully, we can depend on them returning in bud-form in six months. (Oh dear, I’m getting too introspective.) ;-0 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Your autumn is looking incredible ~ and what I like best about this season, is it is made for contemplation. The rush/excitement of summer has passed, and now you can sit and watch the turning of the leaves, feel the soft breezes of the fall, and dream. Perhaps get a bit nostalgic.

    It is great to hear you made a decision, and the plan is a good one. Makes perfect sense, and also allows for adaptation in the future if needed. Being frustrated with work is not ideal ~ so it may be worth finding an idea or area where the company may have some issues and push a positive agenda …in my experience two things can happen: you get fired, or you’ve created a new position to create/control 🙂 You’ve got a huge support group behind you here 🙂 Cheers to your week ahead!

    Liked by 3 people

  13. This sounds like a plan Brad… and good to be catching up with you again my friend.. I am pleased you are finding solutions and also seeing there is a light at the end of the road too… Good to see you and be catching up again ❤

    Liked by 2 people

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