Summer Market

Summer Market

The market at Olhao by Janet Weight Reed


enjoy the season

a potpourri of pleasure

at summer market


This image by Janet speaks to my heart, as most of her paintings do. I love the vibrant colors and a sense of festive activity. It’s a perfect reminder to get out and enjoy the treats of summer like farmer’s market, the beach, swimming, and more. Sadly, I’ve been too focused on work and making money to do much playing this summer. And more changes are looming for me. I don’t know how much longer I will stay at a job I don’t like simply to make money and I’ve been asked to move out of my house share so it’s back to the hunt on both fronts. I’m pondering whether it’s time to move from Fayetteville and start over somewhere else. I’ve often wondered about living at the beach and this could be an opportunity to move and start fresh.

I don’t believe a move will magically transform my life, but it could breathe some fresh air into what has become a rather stale and boring life.

I’ll keep you posted!

50 thoughts on “Summer Market

  1. Lovely poem and artwork Brad..
    Indeed a Fresh place often breathes new life..
    Just follow your heart Brad, what TRULY feels right?? Listen carefully and then act..
    While being in full time employment is security.. One also has to be happy in what you are doing.
    And being unhappy in work, for the sake of it, I know takes courage to change..
    Alot of soul searching I did back in the day, when I realised that all the knowledge I had with over 25 yrs of experience in the textile trade didn’t make me happy anymore..
    So a leap of faith came in changing career paths, When I went into support work.. It has to ‘Feel’ right though inside..
    And you will know when that time arrives and when you do, keep open your heart and mind to allow other interests to open other doors my friend

    Take care of you and enjoy some sunny days yet to come Brad.. Along with some farmers markets… 🙂 ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. So sorry you’re going through all that turmoil. Being at a job you hate (especially for a creative type) is a drain in many ways. I pray that you are able to find a better fit in the very near future.

    If you feel drawn to the water and beach – do see if there’s anywhere that might speak life into your soul as you look out upon the waters. Living somewhere you feel at peace is critical. I moved back to a place that isn’t ‘home’ for me and it’s very hard to miss that sense of well-being. Be where you love if you can. Sometimes these momentous moments in life definitely force our hand, leading us to a much better end result. ♥


  3. An enchanting picture that suggests more than it tells, Brad. Sometimes we have to stick with a situation we hate in order to pay the bills — I hear you. Haven’t most of us done it at some point in our lives? Try to save up some dough so the next move you make can be one you love and enjoy. My best wishes to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. sounds like inspiration is knocking. everything we do feels to be a step and catalyst for the next. perhaps this job and home have been exactly the perfect steps as springboard to something more. and for that, it’s all so valuable. however and wherever you feel called brad, as you said, it won’t magically transform everything, but may be aligning more with who you are today and where you are headed. i feel that when we recognize those times for change and embrace them, then we are actually in flow. lots of love to you as things unfold ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It takes courage to make changes, Brad and yes, they can breathe fresh air in. You’ll know what to do for you, as you have good instincts and live from your heart. Hugs Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A beautiful painting, Brad, and I love the poem that goes with it. A move to the beach? Sounds refreshing. I’m sorry that the job isn’t working. I stayed with a soul-less job for years and was so glad when I gave it up even though it was scary. We only get one life. I hope you find your way, my friend. 😀 Hugs and stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lovely sentiments to go with Janet’s painting – her paintings are always beautifully vibrant. I’m sorry that there may be unexpected changes for you Brad, but I wish you the best with what you decide to do.


  8. Your post is such an elegant way to translate the pain into peace Brad. I believe so much that purpose is not a job – but a way of being in the world – a way of changing the world – but being who we truly are. Something that jumps off the page, every time I read your blog Brad. Your creative spirit = Your purpose. A mission so momentous that could never be contained by a single job. Keep shining Brad! Here & Everywhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. For some weird WordPress reason your blog hasn’t been showing up in my feed even though I follow it. It’s good to find it again. I hope you find more fulfilling work and a better place to live. I live by the sea and love it. It nourishes the soul. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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