Elementals #1

Elementals #1

I had a lovely hike around Lake Fayetteville.

lake, elementals, poetry

Image of Lake Fayetteville from March since I didn’t photograph it this trip.

This is my favorite spot to go hiking near town. I kept hearing the word “elementals” while hiking. It became a mantra as I was hiking, savoring, slowing down, and harmonizing with nature. She shared many wonderful gifts that day, including ones I couldn’t capture with my cellphone; a beautiful butterfly that was camera shy, many songbirds, and a dragonfly that landed on my camera! I also came back with a bad case of chigger bites that didn’t show up until a day later once they had started feasting on me.  🙂

Thankfully, I wasn’t aware of them during my hike with the nature elements. Even more fun is the definition for elementals that I found on Wikipedia. It defines elemental as “a magical entity who personifies a force of nature and controls natural powers derived from their element.” Let’s pretend I became a wizard for the day, playing with nature!  🙂 Either way, I’ve decided to share my photos in a series of posts with poems and images called elementals.

I hope you enjoy them.  🙂


sweet babbling brook

nature’s magic fills the air

elemental play

30 thoughts on “Elementals #1

  1. It is so important for all of us to push away from our desks and see what waits outside. Hiking, walking, a country drive. Whatever it takes.

    Out here in Oregon we take trips to the coast. The power is mind boggling and beautiful all in one.


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  2. I was born in the northwest and it is beautiful. One of my favorite memories is traveling to the south and northeast. The south was amazing. My friends father in-law took me for a drive on the back roads of Mississippi and I loved it. The northeast was stunning. Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine. Perfect.

    As I get older I’m reminded just how beautiful the world is. I can picture myself an old man hoping on a train for a long travel east. 🙂

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  3. Brad, I have no doubts at all that the reason the word came into your mind was that the elementals were walking with you, enjoying your company.. Some just couldn’t get enough of you, lol and so feasted off of you.. 🙂 I look forward to more glorious poems in this series..
    And Nature was showing you something, with the Butterflies and Dragonflies.. Know you are Blessed..

    Mega Hugs.. Sue 🙂

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