Awesome Stories 221- Mother’s Day Edition

Happy Mother’s Day to mothers everywhere. Thank You. ❤

writing to freedom

This week Awesome Stories is dedicated to mothers everywhere.

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. ~ Kahlil Gibran

To my Mother, thank you for the gift of life, love, listening and much more. I’ve told you I love you in many ways over the years, but this week I dedicate my blog to you. I wish you were online to read it! I thank mothers, and anyone who has cared for, nurtured and helped raise a child. Your love, care and presence are the most precious gifts that we receive. Thank You!

Mother-Child Connections

Here is one of the most touching expressions of the special bond between mothers and their children that I’ve seen. So much love and tenderness are conveyed without any words in this video. You might want tissues! Enjoy.

The Power of Moms

Here is a…

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10 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 221- Mother’s Day Edition

  1. How beautiful! A friend printed one of my posts honoring my father a couple years ago and gave it to him. I recently found it in one of his scrap books. You could print some of your posts and give them to your mom.

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