Mother’s Day Musings

Mother’s Day MusingsMother's Day

oh the things you do

to love those in view

tummy aches and rashes

troubles and mad dashes

diapers, laundry and cleaning

a mother’s love has no weaning

for which this son is grateful

may your heart be full

and your aches be few

knowing I love you


Happy Mother’s Day to you Mom!

And to all the mother’s, we appreciate you and the precious gift of life.


29 thoughts on “Mother’s Day Musings

  1. Thanks for your thoughts…So nice you were able to gift your mom with your presence. Best gift she could have hoped for. Enjoy your journey and don’t forget to take notes as the changes unfold so you can look back and follow the path…Have a happy 🙂 VK

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such true and heartfelt words I think every son would love to sing to his mother not just on this day, but every day. This must have caused a great smile on her face and a few extra twinkles in her eyes. Beautiful Brad (and that is an incredible photo as well to accompany your words!).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mums are great! I love hanging out with mine. She is also my “clothes guru”, which is great since I am not enamored with spending hours in shops, so she helps me to get the best possible outfit quick and snappy 😉 Warmest greetings to you Brad, Sam 🙂

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