Silken Treasures

Silken Treasurespoetry, passion, iris,


rain glistens upon her silken body

sparkling with the glow of life

I long to caress her skin

lapping her luscious petals

nourishment to feed my soul

petals of grace and beauty

my passion ready to burst

releasing waves of joy

touching heart to heart

we merge into oneness


20 thoughts on “Silken Treasures

  1. Wow, when moments arrive in life to be able to have such feelings ~ never let them go. And if one day it does leave, then no matter what turmoil arrives ~ the thought of such moments returning will be enough to ride out any rainy day. Great photos and writing Brad.

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    • Thanks again for your kind words my friend. This piece was mostly imagination, but you’re right I’ve had some wonderful moments that sometimes words or photos can provide a touchstone to refer back and relish the fond memories.

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