Awesome Stories 235

This week Awesome Stories brings you poetry slam, selfless giving, natural pools, storm chasing and storytelling.

Unseen Connections

My first time going to a slam poetry performance was very enlivening. Some of the performers stirred me more than others, especially those whose message or passion struck a chord. Maybe one day I’ll perform a poem of my own!  Meanwhile, Marshall Davis Jones offers us a juicy slam poetry performance reminding us of the unseen connections between us all. May we remember and celebrate those connections with love and peace.

Natural Poolsnatural pools, Awesome Stories

I previously sold water filters, including ones that could keep a pool clean without chemicals. Unfortunately, due to fear and pressure from the chemical companies, most of our US water treatment is chemical based. I love swimming in natural water, and rarely will use a public pool for this reason. I’m thankful to see Europe has moved onto more progressive policies and kudos to Minneapolis for leading the US with the first public pool to filter naturally! It’s a clever setup with the main pool and a “regeneration basin” to filter the water. The basin is filled with over 7,000 different aquatic plants rooted in gravel and limestone.

Healing with Stories

This article is about Nancy Mellon, a former Waldorf teacher and psychotherapist who has become a leader in the global storytelling renaissance. Her passion for storytelling shines in this article, but I would love to hear her talk. Much like slam poetry, the art is in the delivery; the words, energy and style with which they’re delivered. She has been honing her craft since being a teacher in Waldorf schools, which place much more emphasis on arts and creativity. As a Waldorf teacher, Nancy learned to guide and entertain her students with a fun persona called “Mrs. McIver”, whose Irish accent and stories captured the imagination of the students. Nowadays, Nancy uses storytelling as a healing art, uplifting and inspiring others to live their fullest potential. The article is filled with delightful details of her journey to masterful storytelling. Enjoy!

A Unique Wedding Celebrationserving refugees, Awesome Stories

What a beautiful and selfless way to celebrate a wedding. A young Turkish couple decided to feed 4000 refugees as part of their wedding. Fethullah Üzümcüoğlu and Esra Polat were married in the Kilis province on the Syrian border, which is currently home to thousands of refugees fleeing conflict in their country.They felt this would be a better way to start their new life together. Wow! What if we all celebrated our life events by helping others? Let the blessings multiply!

Chasing Storms

I discovered this gem on Facebook. Mike is a great photographer with eclectic tastes in life and photography. He primarily shoots weddings to pay for his obsession with chasing storms. Watch this great time-lapse video by Mike Olbinski. Great music too!

Are you sharing your gifts and passions with the world? Some of mine are writing, listening and connecting. May we help each other along the path.   🙂


17 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 235

    • What a kind thing to say Camelia. I admire my friends who are storytellers. I consider myself more of a connector, sharing other’s stories. Whatever we call it, I appreciate that you find value in these stories and they touch your heart. ❤ hugs and blessings my friend.


  1. “Two hearts were never meant to beat alone – and it is when we are connected that we are most alive…” I love it, and it makes such a perfect scene from immediate family (parents and children) and then with the universe…one big game of connecting the dots. Love it. Uplifting, and actually sounds much like your thoughts and poetry! I would very much like to see you put together such a great story, poem and of course as you say for you to perform such a story 🙂 Powerful stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the encouragement Randall. I must admit to being tired of being single.. I appreciate that you can hold that high vision for me for love, poetry and connecting. 🙂
      to connecting the dots with love!


  2. Marshall Davis-Jones rocked my little Sunday morning world — thank you very much!!! Boy, what I wouldn’t do to be able to put on a wing-dinger presentation of such inspiration without pause. I would love to hear yours one day… 🙂 Have a fabulous week, Brad!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Shauna! I’m glad that Marshall’s performance rocked you, especially since you may be waiting a looooong time for mine! 🙂 I’m rather shy about public speaking/ performance, and do better with writing and one on one interactions. blessings to you and yours…


  3. Amazing indeed! Thanks for the generosity of sharing your passions. This world is a better place, because of beautiful people like you. Thank you, Brad!

    P.s. Sorry for hitting the wrong button. I’m clumsy. Sorry.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yeah that natural pool sounds really cool, I’ve been meaning to go and check it out, it’s not too far from me (within biking distance), but I haven’t made it over there yet. How cool though huh? Hopefully it will catch on! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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