New Life

New Lifebirth, poetry, birds

tweet, eat and sleep

mother is near to keep

me out of harms way

guarding for critters who prey


I test and fluff my wings

still such fragile things

one day I’ll fly free

but today I’m here with thee!


Yesterday I noticed this baby robin in my yard. It seemed odd to be on the ground, but I searched and found that fledglings spend several days to two weeks on the ground before their feathers are developed enough to fly. This is when they are the most vulnerable. The mothers keep close, watching and feeding them. This fledgling kept trying to run and hide, afraid of the giant monster hovering over her with a cellphone! I also have a baby bunny, and two other birds nesting in my yard. The cycle of life continues. 

16 thoughts on “New Life

  1. We have built a bird, butterfly, and squirrel haven in our backyard – it’s like a miniature version of Snow White’s garden 🙂 Tis the season for new fledglings – we have mockingbirds, cardinals, and thrashers flitting to and fro along the ground as they learn to take flight. We could probably learn a few things from our avian friends, huh? Perseverance and determination lead to flying to new heights 😉 Thanks for sharing Brad, and best wishes for an inspired day!

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    • Your backyard sounds delightful Dave. I would love to see it! It’s fun to invite, nurture and enjoy wildlife in our yards. Yes, we can learn many things from birds and all of nature. Thankfully, more of us are wanting to live in harmony with nature. Thanks for sharing the journey as I often flit about! 🙂


  2. Ah! I just love you have babies all around! And how funny Brad…before I saw the photo and I read the first line, I thought you were talking about you!!! As in tweet (on twitter), eat, sleep! Hehe. Never thought I would be in this technological world as much as I am!! Hope all is well with you…Blessings ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. LOL, Nice to have you back Lorrie. I’d be happy for a simple life of tweet, eat and sleep! 🙂 I’m glad you’re finding your way around with tech. I’m wanting to pull back from online. All is well and I’m still looking for work. How is your knee healing? hugs and smiles… 🙂


  4. Isn’t it amazing, Brad? We can see a fledgling and then in a few seconds figure out what it’s up to from a quick web search. I guess it’s amazing in one sense, and sort of uncertain in another, like all such sweeping changes. I hope your little friend perseveres and takes its first flight soon. It will always remember the backyard where it all got started… 🙂


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  5. I am pleased Brad that you too are keeping an extra eye out along with mum robin to help keep them safe.. Loved the little poem.. Hope all is well with you Brad.. I have been busy in the garden and taking time out to enjoy some Sun in the garden this week instead of tapping the keys of the computer..
    Lovely post, as the birds feeders have never been so busy at our home, as the birds feed their young broods..
    Love and Blessings

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  6. How lovely that the birds have found a home in your safe and lovely garden Brad! May your garden always be a sanctuary to all living creatures. We just rescued two little snails from a biking trail and brought them home. They are the sweetest. Blessings to your little friends! Sharon

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