Spring Dreams

Spring Dreams

Art by Vera Komnig, poetry, spring

visions of spring dance in my heart

colors glowing with life at the start

when winter seems too much to bear

come dance in my artist’s lair


a delicious feast for the senses

the magic of joy dispenses

creativity, art and life emergent

bringing spring dreams resurgent


Image © by Vera Koming. 

When I saw this art by Vera Komnig, my being opened in joy like a breath of fresh air entering a stuffy room. Check out her vibrant art gallery to find your own spring dreams! 

33 thoughts on “Spring Dreams

  1. The dreams of spring will not need to be dreams for too much longer, Brad. What is it they say? When March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb 😉 Your eloquent words paint a beautiful literary picture alongside the brushstrokes in the painting – amazing artistry in both, indeed!

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