Spring Fling

Celebrating the emerging signs of spring!

spring flowers, poemspring flowers, poem

Spring Fling

tender seedlings

emerging from the dark

reaching toward the light


fragile as a first kiss

cautiously stretching out

driven by deep longing


how high will we grow

following the inner call

merging in love as one


spring’s first blossoms

exquisite bursts of love

now quenched and replete


May the call of love warm your heart ❤

10 thoughts on “Spring Fling

  1. This poem is so beautiful and sweet and amazing! I adore it so much! It’s exquisite! I simply must copy it into my diary! 🙂 Thank you so so much Brad!! What a beautiful start to my eventful day! 🙂


  2. I’m delighted that you like it Line. Feel free to copy and share it! 🙂 I’m honored that you want to bring it with you. Hopefully I’m getting closer to living in sacred, sexy, playful union with the divine. O_o


  3. I ventured out this afternoon and took some photos of spring’s first blossoms. Your poem is a lovely way to top off my day. It put my sense of awe into words. Thank you.


  4. Glad we could share in some spring delight. 🙂 My original delight and awe of nature led to photography which in turn led to writing. Looking for beauty is a great connector for me. to beauty and awe!


  5. A perfect start to a new season… I love your imagery, of the reaching out being driven by deep longing. It brings me to the place of feeling that all of Life is driven by a shared and deeply felt desire. Can you write something about the nearby piles of snow melting…? I think all of Life desires that, too. 🙂



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