Winter Reflections

Remembering to honor the season, even though I’m wanting warmer weather and new vistas. Like nature, everything has a season. Mine is the time for reflection while I incubate the next steps in my life. poetry, winter, reflections

Winter Reflections, poetry

Winter Reflections

reflecting on my wintery space

the muse asks if I’m flourishing

I find neither pain, nor joy

not stagnant, but no visible growth


maybe hibernation is the word

focused within while I nurture my dreams

sheltering and growing these tender seeds

allowing them space to be idle


time to ponder and pray

what’s next for this soul

growth, but how shall we ride

resistant, relaxed or wild heart dancing


Maybe spring will reveal her secrets. 🙂 muse brad

28 thoughts on “Winter Reflections

  1. Hi Bard, I love this perspective. For me, Spring is the real beginning – not frigid Jan 1st each year! Trust that new energy and inspiration awaits and be content with this quieter time of reflection and integration.


  2. Hi Brad…Lovely thoughts, beautiful pictures, spring is just round the corner, I can almost hear its footsteps…the trees in my backyard are already full of blossoms,though. Glad to hear that you are relaxed!


  3. Wow, your words really spoke to me. I’m going through a time of reflection myself at the moment and it’s not been easy. Trying to relax and show myself some compassion and see this time as a gift – trusting that when the time is right spring will reveal her secrets. Lisa 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m delighted that they spoke to you Lisa. The trick for me is reflection without getting into judgment. I’ve had lots of opportunity to practice self compassion this year as I struggle with no job or direction. Doing the best I can to relax into what is and trust. We all do the best we can, with hopefully a little help from friends, family and universe. Let your inner Buddha shine! 🙂


      • Thanks! I can really relate to what you’re saying as I find myself looking for work too at the moment. I used to be a pharmacist before I became unwell and started my spiritual journey. It’s a well-paid profession but it didn’t make me happy. I’m in a place now where I’m starting my life all over again. I’m doing my best to trust too and do what feeds my soul 🙂


      • Thanks Lisa. I can relate too. I was previously in sales which also paid well but didn’t feed my soul. Though I hope you find a new direction easier than I did. Keep doing what nurtures your soul and body. I’m working on clarifying what I really want from work, both inner and outer. Prayers for a job that fits and nurtures you.


    • Thanks Ihsan, I’m surprised at the response from this post. I didn’t try to rhyme or put much effort into it. I’m enjoy poetry and will be creating/ allowing more. I’d love to create ones as beautiful as yours and Himani’s. blessings,


      • I feel like when I put too much effort my writing gets worse! But I am very much looking forward to reading some of your poetry. Please do let me know whenever post some 🙂 I have a feeling it will be great!


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