Finding Little Joys with Kindness

Kindness can open minds, hearts and lives to joy.

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. ~ Lao Tzu

Are you ready for joy and awesomeness?

Let’s start with kindness.

kindness, awesome

Willie helping Bella

This video compilation shows many small acts of kindness by Russian citizens helping strangers. Such simple acts, yet such a profound feeling for me.  Take a moment to see and feel the effects of their kindness. Open yourself to kindness and joy.

As I’ve mentioned before, awesome can be an intimidating word, but a simple act of kindness can be awesome. Or start with some little joys. For me, those are dancing, being in nature, hugs, sharing my writing or a meal with a friend. For kid president, it seems to be dancing, being a goof ball and inspiring others.

Maybe you’ll find some little joys in this fun video by Kid President. He has big plans to help others be awesome. In this video, he gives a fun shout out to Moms. Prepare to laugh, then spread some kindness to Moms everywhere!

Find your little joys, then start building on them until you have a richer, fuller, happier and more awesome life. The best way to do that is finding joy in our ordinary lives and being grateful for what we do have right now. Gratitude has been a wonderful pathway to joy for me. Read more on gratitude and the art of life.

Success and life are built one step at at time, often by getting back up after falling down. Here’s 11 Ways to Get Back Up. 

Let’s start where we are, planting seeds of kindness that grow sprouts of joy and with consistent action, will become trees of awesomeness.

muse Brad

6 thoughts on “Finding Little Joys with Kindness

  1. Kid President is spot on! Mothers need to know how great they are and what a huge role they play in shaping our world!! Fathers a re a bonus…but I know that’s asking a lot these days 😉 Just wish this spunky tyke were old enough to be president NOW!!


  2. I so enjoy little acts of kindness…helping a wheelchair-bound shopper at Walmart, or helping an oldster load her groceries in her car, or simply holding a door for a mom with three kids. It makes me feel good. I hope people pay it forward. And kindness is free!


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