Are You Ready for Awesome?

What’s awesome in your life?

According to, awesome means inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear; causing or inducing awe. Awesome Peony

To some of us, awesome might seem to be out of reach. We might think it’s too radical to experience awesome; just feeling good would be nice. But maybe nothing needs to change in our circumstances to fill them with awesomeness. For too many years I searched outside myself for happiness, spirituality, meaning and answers in general.

Gradually, I’ve come to trust myself and life, relaxing to make room, in my mind and body, for life to unfold. This has been a profound shift to spend more time accepting, relaxing and even appreciating what is. Then, inspiration may come with new ideas for actions or the realization that everything is just fine as it is. If changes are appropriate, choosing love is one of the highest and best uses of free will. More and more, I choose what brings me more love, aliveness, joy and awesomeness

As I’ve written before, I love the word awesome. When I hear it or say it, I feel excited, alive and full of energy. Just talking or thinking about awesomeness, helps me feel better. Suddenly, I’m a little closer to believing and feeling awesome in my life by a simple choice of words.

All lasting change starts with new ways of thinking.

Therefore, the first step is deciding to BE Awesome. Then, if we are committed, we will start making better decisions, thoughts, choices and actions that support our being awesome and opening to the beauty and wonder of life.

Gratitude is another gateway to awe for me. When I can switch mental gears to be in a place of gratitude, my mind relaxes and my senses come alive. Suddenly, the world is alive with beauty, meaning and connection. Here are more tips on gratitude and the art of life.

Here’s another perspective on awe from Jason Silva. Learning to open our minds, we change our mental models to take in, breath in, and inspire the incredible experiences of life, leading to awe. This fun video by Jason will help you connect with awe.

I choose awesomeness. How about you?

What’s awesome in your life? Please share in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “Are You Ready for Awesome?

  1. Hello Dear one, You are a great model of openness and willingness to new things.. To me, that’s high level of living, allowing us to learn, grow and experience life fully. Thanks Georgina.


  2. YES!! I choose everything YOU & Jason so brilliantly present. YES!! I wish to embrace those “final cut” moments of life, again and again, with as much frequency as my wee little brain is capable of generating. Cheers to unbridled awesomeness! YES!! 😀


  3. Wow Shauna. Your support and appreciation feel like a sweet rain on a hot parched land, welcoming and nourishing to my soul. Thank you. I’m sure your brain is quite capable, but even more important, your heart. To awesomeness!


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