Gratitude and Acceptance

“As human beings our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as in being able to remake ourselves.” Mohandas Gandhi.

Gratitude can be a form of deep acceptance.

Today I find myself renewed after having spent some time in gratitude. I am truly grateful for the many blessings in my life. Here are some that come to mind.

  • I am grateful to have a safe and secure home.
  • I am grateful for friends who listen, support and hang with me.
  • I am grateful for an amazing body that reminds me when I’m on track.
  • I am grateful for our DreamCrafters group. Thanks for your support and inspiration.
  • I am grateful for the freedom to travel.

This morning I was feeling drawn to email a friend with some suggestions, nay advice. Playing the scene in my mind I felt a little compulsive. Then, after spending some time in gratitude this morning, I remembered the idea that what we see in others is what we need to address in ourselves. Next came the memory of how I have felt the most empowered when I was offered acceptance for exactly who I am. So I decided to let go of advising my friend. I’m sure he’ll be fine on his own.

Our acceptance is far more empowering than our advice, no matter how well intended. This is especially true when the person hasn’t asked for the advice! Have you ever thought that you knew what is best for someone else? Be careful, minefields lay ahead on that path! Thankfully, I remembered to look for how this advice applied to me. What I discovered is that I’ve been off track from too much outside input. The advice to my friend was to be gentle, allow some time to integrate, back off the need to keep doing, and keep your own counsel.

This is exactly what I need, not my friend. I’ve been pushing myself to be perfect in my journey to joy. Requiring daily doses of gratitude, more feeling, blogging 3 times a week, clarifying my purpose, making more money, reaching out to new friends, and keeping up with daily life. I’m tired just writing this. We are very driven creatures. I wonder what would happen if we allowed more space in our lives for relaxing and being? I suspect that we would find a lot more peace and satisfaction.

My wisdom is saying slow down, enjoy fall, play, and be in gratitude. All great ideas which I intend to follow, after I write this blog! Truth is I took a little break to walk around the neighborhood, soaking up the beauty of fall. And I’m planning a day of gratitude. I’ll let you know how that goes.

May you be gentle with yourself. I appreciate you!

13 thoughts on “Gratitude and Acceptance

  1. Pingback: He Doesn’t Know | writing to freedom

  2. Reblogged this on writing to freedom and commented:

    A golden oldie post that needs some love!
    Please read and let me know if you want more posts like this. I haven’t been writing posts like this for a while. Do you want more posts on my life lessons and journey? Either way, I’ll keep writing the poems and inspiring stories.

    Thanks for sharing the journey. Blessings, Brad


  3. A sage friend once wisely counseled “to write for your soul.” Write about what you choose to share and embrace your words and message. Never write for what you think others may want to hear because, then, it is no longer you.

    Food for thought as you continue with your blogging, Brad. 🙂 All the best!


  4. “I wonder what would happen if we allowed more space in our lives for relaxing and being? I suspect that we would find a lot more peace and satisfaction.”
    You asked this question today…and my mind exploded.
    Yesterday in my art of surrender blog, I spoke about our perspectives, and I asked a similar question. I wondered why we are so determined to avoid out limitations. Maybe God gave us those limitations as a road map to our purpose here on Earth.
    So lets commit today to allow ourselves the space necessary to hear the wisdom that our inner voice is trying to speak to us.
    I am positive that more peace and satisfaction will be found at the end of that road.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for caring and reflecting Eric. I understand the reasoning and mostly do write what stirs me. Those early posts came from my heart/ soul and had no audience which was not satisfying. So this is my attempt to find a balance. 🙂


  6. Brad, something this powerful is indeed worth reposting. I wasn’t around for the first time, so glad you shared it again.
    I can really relate to what you said about wanting to ‘advise’ friends about things and lo/behold turns out it’s exactly the advice I need to give myself! 😉
    Hubby just finished building a room off the garage that is dedicated to relaxing. Techno free-zone. A large corner bookcase, and comfy chairs for reading, writing -and of course Napping!


  7. I appreciate your kind remarks Denise. Those early posts were from my heart and soul, yet little response so I wondered. I’ll have to share more golden oldies and see! Yes, I have to be careful with wanting to give advice. Your new chill room sounds wonderful. 🙂


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